Empowerment of Local CSOs and Increasing Communication and Collaboration
[/helpme_fancy_title][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The project titled “Empowered CSOs” is about the Empowerment of Local CSOs and Increasing Communication and Collaboration for Effective Functioning and Representation.The lead applicant, Olive Branch, and co-applicant, Door, are implementing this project for Syrian and Turkish CSOs in Gaziantep within the scope of the EU Grant Scheme for Civil Society Support Programme III financed by the EU and implemented by the EU Presidency.
The focus is on building and improving the capacity of CSOs (organizational and institutional) and providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills that enhance their community work and communication and coordination among themselves, and that encourage them to have partnerships between them.
Building the capacity of CSOs in media and advocacy which will increase their participation in the decision-making process.
Strengthening grassroot CSOs to be effective in their function and to advocate for their community
- Building their capacities in community organization
- Problem-solving, strategic planning, policy-making and advocacy
- Together lead to fulfilling the first
To enhance communication and collaboration among grassroots CSOs
- Intended to increase the collaboration and networking between Turkish and Syrian CSOs to overcome some of the local challenges in the communities they represent
- Enhancing cooperation and networking between local CSOs from the two communities; Syrian and Turkish, through joint analysis and planning, and through joint implementation of initiatives
A total of 19 CSOs, including 10 Syrians and 9 Turks, are involved in the project as beneficiaries.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]